The Benefits of Maple Syrup


Made solely from the sugary sap found in maple trees, pure maple syrup is a completely natural product with a rich and unique flavour. 

Not only does maple syrup taste great, but it’s also packed with benefits, making it an excellent alternative to other sweeteners. 

From fast-releasing energy to vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, learn more about the benefits of maple syrup below.

Healthier than refined sugar

Unlike most other sweeteners, maple syrup undergoes minimal processing during production, meaning it retains many of the nutrients naturally present in the sap before it is extracted from the tree. 

The sweetener is noted as a natural source of riboflavin and manganese, with a two-tablespoon serving containing 14% and 36% of an adult’s daily recommended intake of the nutrients respectively. 

Along with its various vitamins and minerals, pure maple syrup also contains 67 different polyphenols – a category of plant-based compounds often linked with anti-inflammatory benefits. 

The presence of these different nutrients makes maple syrup a healthier option than more heavily processed sweeteners, with one study finding that replacing refined sugar with maple syrup led to improved cardiometabolic health.

Learn more about the surprising health benefits of maple syrup below.

A vegan-friendly sweetener

As a natural product made without any artificial colourings, preservatives or other additives, pure maple syrup is completely vegan, which is great news if you’re on a plant-based diet. 

It is important, though, to carefully check the label; maple-flavoured blends, usually sold alongside pure maple syrup in the supermarket, are mixed with other ingredients that may not always be vegan-friendly. 

If you see the words ‘100%’, ‘pure’ or ‘organic’ on the bottle, you can generally rest assured that it is made with nothing other than maple sap and therefore perfectly suitable for vegans. 

This makes maple syrup a great alternative to non-vegan sweeteners like honey, as well as granulated sugars processed using bone char.

Learn more about the vegan credentials of maple syrup below.

Good for the environment

Another major benefit of maple syrup is its strong environmental record. While it’s true that the boiling of maple sap generates carbon emissions, these are greatly outweighed by the carbon captured by the millions of maple trees used to make the product. 

In Quebec alone, there are an estimated 34 million trees, capturing an amount of carbon equivalent to burning 97 million gallons of petrol every year, or eight times the amount of carbon emitted during production. 

As well as being carbon sinks, maple forests are also home to hundreds of bird, mammal and insect species. Over 50 wildlife and plant species classified as threatened or vulnerable can be found in Canada’s maple forest. 

In Quebec, commercial logging of maple trees is banned, while producers must also follow clear guidelines to avoid damaging the trees. These measures are helping to preserve the environmental benefits of maple syrup for generations to come.

Learn more about the sustainability credentials of maple syrup below.

A natural source of energy

Packed with simple carbohydrates that are converted quickly and send immediate bursts of glucose into the bloodstream, pure maple syrup also serves as an excellent source of fast-releasing energy. 

Whether you’re looking for a boost before working out or a pick-me-up to aid your recovery, maple syrup can be relied upon to deliver the energy needed to keep you at your best throughout the day. 

Along with providing plenty of naturally occurring carbohydrates, maple syrup also has a lower glycaemic index than most other sweeteners, meaning the energy is sustained over a longer period of time. 

The unique nutritional profile of maple syrup – not to mention its deliciously sweet taste – is the reason why a growing number of athletes and fitness enthusiasts are incorporating it into their meals.

Learn more about the use of maple syrup as an energy source below.

Free from gluten

The sap found in maple trees is naturally gluten-free, and because no other ingredients are used in the production process, so too is pure maple syrup! This is good news if you have coeliac disease and need to exclude gluten-containing foods from your diet.

While most sweeteners sold in the UK are gluten-free, more heavily processed sweeteners carry a greater risk of cross-contamination with other ingredients that may contain gluten. 

The simple production process for making maple syrup, which is free from artificial additives, reduces these risks. As such, maple syrup is a great option for those who want to steer clear of gluten but still want their sweet fix!

Learn more about maple syrup’s role as a gluten-free sweetener below.

More about maple

The colour and flavour of maple syrup changes in subtle ways during the seasonal harvest

At the start of the sugaring season, the syrup is generally clear, with a light, sweet taste. It becomes darker with a caramelised flavour as the season progresses throughout the spring.

An unopened can of maple syrup keeps for many years

Once the can is opened, syrup should be kept in an airtight container in a cool place.

Maple spread doesn't contain any butter or dairy products

Like all 100% pure maple products, maple spread comes from the sap of the maple tree that’s all.

Hundreds of Delicious Recipes

Maple is a special addition to any recipe, from starters and snacks to sumptuous desserts. Find one that’s perfect for you, your family and friends.