
Discover the world of maple

Find out more about maple syrup

The Natural Choice

Each year in Canada, deep in the forests of Québec, a remarkable natural event takes place as maple sap, frozen solid over the long, cold winter, starts to thaw… and the maple tapping season begins.

Thousands of producers collect the sap from maple trees and boil the liquid to make pure maple syrup, a 100% natural sweetener with a high-quality taste and a versatile range of uses.

Unrefined and unprocessed, pure Canadian maple syrup is ideal for brunches, baking and barbecues, imparting the flavour of Canada’s iconic ingredient into a multitude of dishes, free from artificial additives or flavourings.

Maple syrup comes in four different styles and colours, each one having its own characteristics and taste.

Pure maple syrup in different colors

Learn more about the maple syrup grading system below.

QMSP and the Maple from Canada

Maple from Canada is the official UK website and brand for Québec Maple Syrup Producers (QMSP).

Québec supplies 72% of the world’s maple syrup and is home to more than 13,300 maple syrup producers.

Founded in 1966, QMSP represents producers and works to regulate prices and quality, and to negotiate fair trade deals, as well as promoting maple products on an international stage.

How maple syrup is made

Pure Canadian maple syrup comes from a unique natural process which occurs every year in spring.

After the cold winter, frozen maple sap thaws and moves back down towards the base of the tree, where it is then tapped and the sap is collected in buckets. Tapping season lasts for about four to six weeks, between March and April.

Once the sap has been harvested, it is taken to a sugar shack and boiled down to make maple syrup. It takes about 40 litres of sap to make just one litre of syrup.

Learn more about the maple syrup production process below.

The history of maple

Legend has it that the story of maple started with a squirrel.

Many centuries ago, during a period of food scarcity, a Native American noticed a squirrel full of energy. He watched the animal drink “water” from a maple tree and realised it was the source of the critter’s vitality. From then on, maple water, or sap, started to be consumed as a fortifying drink.

Maple water was re-discovered by Jacques Cartier, the same man who discovered Canada, between 1536 and 1542. Intrigued by a strange-looking tree, he decided to cut it down and then saw a large quantity of sweet maple water squirt from the wood.

Throughout the years, different processes were developed to evaporate and boil the sap down to make the delicious, rich syrup we’re so familiar with today.

Picture showing history of maple

Learn more about the history of maple syrup below.

More about maple

The colour and flavour of maple syrup changes in subtle ways during the seasonal harvest

At the start of the sugaring season, the syrup is generally clear, with a light, sweet taste. It becomes darker with a caramelised flavour as the season progresses throughout the spring.

An unopened can of maple syrup keeps for many years

Once the can is opened, syrup should be kept in an airtight container in a cool place.

Maple spread doesn't contain any butter or dairy products

Like all 100% pure maple products, maple spread comes from the sap of the maple tree that’s all.

Hundreds of Delicious Recipes

Maple is a special addition to any recipe, from starters and snacks to sumptuous desserts. Find one that’s perfect for you, your family and friends.